Miscellaneous Screen

Use this screen to set up options for reconditioned and recored parts, Other Charges to include in the estimate, betterment options, and body supplies.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description


Select this option to tax reconditioned and recored parts.


These options allow you to designate whether to allow betterments on Part Prices, Labor Hours, and Refinish Hours. Select one or more options as needed.

Other Charges

Selecting any of these options will allow you to enter them in the estimate under the Other Charges tab in the Estimate tan. Select as many as are appropriate.

Body Supplies

These options allow you to add the addition of body supplies, and what hours to include with them. Select as many as are appropriate.

Note: You may not have this section, depending on how your system is set up.


This option tells the program where to include the deductible, either in the Estimate Totals. The program defaults this to Include in Estimate Totals. Make a selection from the droplist. You cannot enter any other value.

See Also

Setting Up Miscellaneous Rules







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